We would like to inform you that the deadline for the submission of complete papers to II International Conference Move.net has been EXTENDED TO SEPT. 15th. The event will take place at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Seville (Spain) on October 25th, 26th and 27th.
Very soon, the Scientific Committee will inform authors who submitted their papers before June, 15th of the decision whether to accept or reject their contributions, so that they can register and organize travel arrangements. Papers received from June 15th onwards (and before September 15th) will be assessed in a maximum period of five days. After that, authors will be informed of the decision immediately.
We would like to remind you that you can access the Call for Papers, along with style guidelines and topic axes at:
Call4Papers [Español] [English]
Ejes Temáticos [Español] [English]
On the other hand, we are pleased to announce the list of confirmed speakers for the 2nd edition of Move.net which will bring together activists, scholars, lawyers and artists linked to digital culture and social mobilization. This list will be updated and extended regularly. So far the list of confirmed speakers reads as follows:
Juan Luis Sánchez (Journalist, eldiario.es)
@juanlusanchez / http://www.juanlusanchez.com
Deputy Director «eldiario.es». Journalist and specialist in digital content and new media.
Javier de la Cueva (Lawyer, Free Licensing)
@jdelacueva / http://javierdelacueva.es
Renowned lawyer and University lecturer at Universidad Europea de Madrid. Author of Manual del ciberactivista (2015)
Rubén Sánchez (Facua)
@RubenSanchezTW / http://rubensanchez.tw/
Spokesman for the consumer organization Facúa-Consumidores en Acción. Author of Timocracy (2017).
Carlos Sánchez Almeida (Lawyer, Fronteras Electrónicas)
@bufetalmeida / http://www.bufetalmeida.com
Lawyer at Fronteras Electrónicas, organization defending civil rights on the Internet.
Stephane Grueso (Journalist and Videoactivist, 15M.cc, Bookcamping)
@fanetin / https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanegrueso
Former journalist at TVE. Film director at Elegant Mob Films. Founder of projects 15M.cc and Bookcamping.
Amador Fernández-Savater (Editor, Acuarela Libros)
Editor of Creative Commons content at Acuarela Libros. Contributor to «eldiario.es» through the section “Interferencias” and to Público (“Fuera de Lugar”)
Stefania Milan (University of Amsterdam)
@annliffey / https://stefaniamilan.net
Teaher of New Media and Digital Culture at Amsterdam University. Main researcher at DATACTIVE, funded by the European Research Council. Author of Social Movements and Their Technologies: Wiring Social Change (2013)
Igor Sádaba (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Cibersomosaguas)
@igorsadaba / https://ucm.academia.edu/IgorSadaba
Lecturer at the Department of Sociología IV de la UCM Author of Propiedad Intelectual (2008) and Cyborg (2009).
César Rendueles (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Cibersomosaguas)
@crendueles / https://espejismosdigitales.wordpress.com
Lecturer at the Department of Sociología V at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. Author of Sociofobia. El cambio político en la era de la utopía digital (2013)
Joan Subirats (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, IGOP)
@subirats9 / http://igop.uab.es
Professor in Politial Science Founder and Director at the Instituto de Gobierno y Políticas Públicas (IGOP) at Universidad Autónoma in Barcelona.
Francisco Jurado (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, IGOP)
@SuNotissima / https://senti2comunes.wordpress.com
Lawyer and researcher at the Instituto de Gobierno y Políticas Públicas (IGOP). Activist at Democracia Real Ya, #OpEuribor y Democracia 4.0. Author of Nueva Gramática Política (Icaria, 2014).
Alejandro Barranquero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, RICCAP)
@RICCAP_org / http://www.riccap.org/es
Lecturer at the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication at Universidad Carlos III in Madrid. Founder of the Red de Investigación en Comunicación Comunitaria, Alternativa y Participativa (RICCAP).
Francisco Sierra Caballero (Universidad de Sevilla, COMPOLÍTICAS)
@fsierracb / http://www.franciscosierracaballero.com
Professor of Communication Theory at the University of Seville. Director of the Journalism I department at the University of Seville. Dirctor of Grupo Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Comunicación, Política y Cambio Social (COMPOLITICAS). Former director of the Centro Internacional de Estudios Superiores de Comunicación para América Latina (CIESPAL).
Rafael Rodríguez Prieto (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, LIPPO)
@rrodrigueprieto / http://www.lippo.es
Lecturer at Universidad Pablo de Olavide and Deputy Director at the Laboratorio de Ideas y Prácticas Políticas (LIPPO), a think tank linked to the 15M movement. Main researcher at a national R+D project on Internet and fundamental rights.
About Move.net [Español] [English] [Actas I Edición]
You can also follow and help us promote the conference at:
Web: congreso-move.net
Twitter: @CongresoMovenet Etiqueta: #Movenet
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CongresoMove.Net Evento: www.facebook.com/events/1940406979527633
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/CongresoMovenet
Contact: [email protected]
Organization: Grupo Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Comunicación, Política y Cambio Social de la Universidad de Sevilla (COMPOLITICAS), Laboratorio de Ideas y Prácticas Políticas de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (LIPPO) y Red Tecnopolítica.
Coordinators: José Candón Mena and David Montero Sánchez.
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