Congreso Internacional sobre Movimientos Sociales y TIC – International Congress on TIC and Social Movements aims to establish itself as an academic forum to share theoretical analysis and ideas in order to understand the social implication of ICT. We are interested in subjects ranging from the experiences and practices of individual activists and collectives of social transformation to social uses of technology, as well as particular projects based on the idea of technological appropriation in order to promote emancipation.

The 1st Edition of took place on February 2015 at University Pablo de Olavide in Seville (see minutes, program, videos and press material). It brought together a number of scholars and technopolitical activists such as Margarita Padilla, David Bravo, Juan Moreno Yagüe, Patricia Horrillo, Marta G. Franco, Manje, Alex Haché, Francisco Jurado, as well as representatives of Nodo50, AgoraVoting, OpenKratio, Zemos98, Enreda, Ganemos Madrid or the Coordinadora de Informática de la CGT.

Within academia counted with the presence of CIESPAL director, Francisco Sierra, professor Víctor Sampedro (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) or social movement expert Ángel Calle (Universidad de Córdoba). A total of 38 papers were read from 10 countries and representing 29 universities and research centers from Spain, Portugal, the UK, Italy, Denmark, Mexico, Colombia, EEEUU, Canada, Turkey and South Africa.’s «call for papers» enjoyed an important international support both from academic quarters and also from civil society and from activists themselves, connecting the university and the street, theory and practice, as well as different countries and continents. Furthermore, this continuing dialogue resulted in a total of 19 conferences and six round-tables on the thematic lines proposed by The congress also included three book presentations and lively debates on relations between academia and social movements, on municipal politics and on-line action with representatives from Podemos and Ganemos in different parts of Spain.

Conceived originally as a bi-annual encounter, the upcoming 2nd Edition of will take place at the Faculty of Communication in the University of Seville on 25, 26 and 27 October 2025. The CFP is no available (see Call4Papers Closing date for paper submission June, 15th).

This second edition of aims to present itself again as a rigorous academic forum open to public discussion about the experiences of social activists and of citizens in general

Where: Facultad de Comunicación (University of Seville)

When: Wednesday 25, Thursday 26 y Friday 27, October 2025.

Organization: Grupo Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Comunicación, Política y Cambio Social de la Universidad de Sevilla (COMPOLITICAS), Laboratorio de Ideas y Prácticas Políticas de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (LIPPO) y Red Tecnopolítica.

Registration: Price for speakers and paper-presenters approved by the scientific committee (blind peer-review process) is 60 €. Attendance and participation in activities is free

Coordinators: José Candón Mena and David Montero Sánchez (Universidad de Sevilla).

Scientific Comittee: Red Tecnopolítica (CIESPAL / COMPOLITICAS-U. Sevilla / CES-U. Coimbra / DSSSU-U. Salento / NMI-U. Brasilia) and CLACSO (Grupo de Trabajo “Tecnopolítica, cultura digital y ciudadanía”)

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