Congreso Internacional sobre Movimientos Sociales y TIC

Call for papers

Call for Papers – IV International Congress on TIC and Social Movements:

The IV International Congress on TIC and Social Movements will take place at the Faculty of Communication (University of Seville, Spain) on 11 AND 12 NOVEMBER 2025.

This CFP for the IV International Congress on TIC and Social Movements is structured along the following THEMATIC LINES:

– Technological Sovereignty
– Digital Rights
– Ciberactivism
– Digital Democracy
– Data and algorithmic systems
– Digital Culture
– Media on-line
– Cyberfeminism
– Videoactivism
– Culture and trans-media narrative
– Political economy of digital media

Participants can send their PROPOSALS (400 words) for either oral or written presentations. Once accepted, participants should pay their INSCRIPTION fee (60€) before October, 22nd, 2025. Written presentations will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee and should be considered as EXTENDED ABSTRACTS (800 words). Written presentatios will be published in the congress’ proceedings with ISBN and licensed with Creative Commons. The deadline for sending written presentations is November 5th, 2025.

A selection of the texts published in the congress’ proceedings will be considered for publication in a special issue the Teknokultura journal (Dialnet, ESCI and FECYT) as articles.


OCT, 15th – Deadline for PROPOSALS (written or oral communications). Proposals should be sent in .odt or .doc format to

OCT, 22nd – Deadline for REGISTRATION. Payment of 60€ should be made. For instructions please see section 3 of this document.

NOV, 5th – Deadline for WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (800 words)

NOV, 11th and 12th – COMMUNICATIONS READ AT THE CONGRESS. Presenters have a 15 minutes limit. Dates and times will be established by the organizing committee.


– Only non-previously published research (in any language) will be considered.

– Written communications are allowed in Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian. Regardless of the language, title, abstract and keywords should be accompanied by an English translation.

– Written communications should have a maximum of 800 words.

– Written communications can be sent in .doc, .docx, .odt or .rtf formats, with 2 cm. left, right, top and bottom margins of 2 cms. and using Times New Roman or Liberation Serif 12 points fonts and single interlineate.

– APA format (6th Edition) should be followed in relation to writting, quotations and referencing.

The Written communications must include:

– Title in the chosen language (in capital letters, centered and in bold type)

– Title in English (in capital letters and centered).

– Surnames and name of the autor/s (surnames in capital letters separated from the name in lowe case letter by a comma, all in bold type and italics), institutional affiliation (in parenthesis and italics) and the author/s e mail (in italics).

– 5 keywords in the text’s original language and separated by commas.

– 5 keywords in English and separated by commas.

– Thematic line of your choice (optional)

A selection of the texts published in the congress’ proceedings will be considered for publication in a special issue the Teknokultura journal (Dialnet, ESCI and FECYT) as articles.


Once the paper has been accepted, authors should proceed to register in the Congress. The cost is 60€ per text (not per author). Authors should attend the Congress in order to read the paper in the indicated date. Exceptionally, a paper can be read by a person other than the author or a video could be used. If in doubt, please make an enquiry at

Payment is required by transfer to the following bank account:

IBAN: ES95 0049 2588 7024 1425 0158

Swift code: BSCHESMM

IMPORTANT: the following date should be included for the transfer to be completed successfully:

Payment made to: Universidad de Sevilla

Concept: Surname and name of author + code 284 Congress

Amount: 60€ per author

Finally, an invoice should be sent by e mail to

(NOTE: Charges may apply in the case of international transfers. Sometimes such charges can even exceed the cost of registration. In case of abusive charges, should contact the organizers via the e mail


Authors will receive a certificate for their participation as contributors after reading their paper.

The Congress Book will be published on paper and also on digital format, with ISBN and a Creative Commons License, as soon as possible after the end of the Congress. In any case, texts will be published under a Creative Commons License (3.0 Unported)

A selection of the texts published in the congress’ proceedings will be considered for publication in a special issue the Teknokultura journal (Dialnet, ESCI and FECYT) as articles. The Scientific Committee will inform authors of selected texts of guidelines for publication at Teknocultura.



Red CITYCOM, Red de Investigación Cultura Digital y Ciudadanía (citycom . RED 2025-102577-T)
COMPOLÍTICAS, Grupo Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Comunicación, Política y Cambio Social de la Universidad de Sevilla


Red CITYCOM. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema de I+D+i . Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento.


ULEPICC-España, Unión Latina de Economía Política de la Información, la Comunicación y la Cultura
RICCAP, Red de Investigación en Comunicación Comunitaria, Alternativa y Participativa
SOScom, Proyecto de I+D «Sostenibilidad del Tercer Sector de la Comunicación. Diseño y aplicación de indicadores» del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad 2025 (PID2020-113011RB
TEKNOKULTURA, Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales




Twitter: Perfil: @CongresoMovenet Etiqueta: #Movenet



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