Congreso Internacional sobre Movimientos Sociales y TIC

Media on-line

The net is mainly a meta-media. It is populated with a number of media initiatives, created by social movements themselves, that constantly interact with conventional media in a new and complex ecosystem. On the one hand, more independent and critical media are emerging (Indymedia, Periodismo Humano, Kaos en la Red, Contexto, Cuarto Poder, Periodismo Ciudadano, Pikara, etc.); on the other, the media crisis has driven some to foster independent projects combining traditional and on-line formats (La Marea, ElDiario, Infolibre, Mongolia, Alternativas Económicas, etc.). On-line debates now impact on the political agenda, favouring the emergence of alternative public spheres (13M, 15M, Mareas) and the appearance of platforms for debate and citizen awareness in relation to the activities carried out by corporate media (Menéame, Civio, Poletika, etc.). How do conventional media and new media coexist? Do the former still set the agenda and control public discourse? To what extent can new media influence public opinion? What is the role of traditional journalism in relation to citizen journalism? What function does critical journalists have in this new informative ecosystem? What alliances and networking practices can be reached between new media in order to achieve sustainability?

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